A Puerto Rican Look at: DNA Circles

DNA Circles [Ancestry] Fairly recently (in the genealogical world), Ancestry.com has been working on a DNA matching portion of their website called “DNA Circles”. I’ve been waiting to write a post about DNA Circles until I got my first match, and very recently this occurred (this post has been sitting in “drafts” for a while …

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Guadeloupeans in Puerto Rico

After having found out that my 4th great-grandfather from Guadeloupe, I was interested in seeing who else came to Puerto Rico from that island. Maybe there were other people from the same town or (smaller) island as my 4th great grandfather. I was also interested in seeing how surnames changed once they came to Puerto …

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Whisperings of the Past

So while researching through Puerto Rican records I came across something very interesting that I had never seen before and decided to post about it! While researching in the “Registro Central de Esclavos” of 1872 I came across a slave born in Africa who mentions her African parents’ names! I’m not sure how often this …

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A Puerto Rican Look at: Sephardic Jews

For most hispanic genealogist, at one point during our research, the question: Do I have Sephardic Jewish ancestors? has come up! Not only across Spanish speaking countries in the Caribbean, Southern and Central America can Sephardic Jews be found but even on islands such as Jamaica, Curaçao, and as far as the old territories of …

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A Puerto Rican Look at: Colorized Pedigrees!

I’ve been seeing these style of pedigrees online for a while now and decided I should give it a go! Thanks to Zalewski Family Genealogy blog  I was able to use the template and create my very own pedigree. Because my family has been on the island of Puerto Rico for over 200+ years, I …

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Chinese in Puerto Rico [A Study of Lucas Yon]

It’s come to the point again where I begin to search up other people on the island of Puerto Rico, partially because I’m bored and partially to learn new genealogy tricks. Today I want to focus on the immigration of the Chinese to Puerto Rico and specifically look at a man named “Lucas Yon” who …

Chinese in Puerto Rico [A Study of Lucas Yon] Read More »