Calderón Nazario

Consanguinity on the Meléndez Morán Line?

When researching families in Puerto Rico, something to keep track of that might be different in a lot of other genealogical searches is the idea of “consanguinity”. Consanguineous can be defined as “sharing the same blood or origin, specifically descending from the same ancestor” (Merriam-Webster). The term can broken down into “con-” and “sanguis” meaning …

Consanguinity on the Meléndez Morán Line? Read More »

52 Ancestors – #13 Juan Calderón Nazario (1829-1889)

Today I want to focus on my 4th great grandfather Juan Calderón Nazario, a native of Vega Baja, Puerto Rico and the father of my 3rd great grandfather Augustin Calderón Meléndez. But the story gets interesting here! Juan Calderón Nazario according to his death certificate was born about 1829 and the legitimate son of Juan …

52 Ancestors – #13 Juan Calderón Nazario (1829-1889) Read More »