Francisca Orozco Santiago

52 Ancestors – #46 Francisca Orozco Santiago (1885-1945)

Ok, not fun being behind but hopefully I’ll be able to catch up and get these posts down before the year is over and my holidays start! Here is my 46th post about my 2nd great grandmother Francisca Orozco Santiago. When I first had started my research on my maternal side of the family, I …

52 Ancestors – #46 Francisca Orozco Santiago (1885-1945) Read More »

52 Ancestors – #4 Pedro Dávila Ruiz (1884-1963)

I can’t believe that this will already be the fourth post in the 52 week series challenge! I have been thoroughly enjoying searching my tree for ancestors which whom’s stories I can share. When the digits start doubling up, the going will get tough as I try to figure out who to write about. But …

52 Ancestors – #4 Pedro Dávila Ruiz (1884-1963) Read More »