
From Valeriana to Aurelia: A Name Change

It is very rare for me to see official name changes while doing Puerto Rican genealogical research. Sometimes, I will see that a person goes by their middle name in other records later in life, for example, someone born as María Dolores might just use Dolores or a Juan de la Cruz might just use …

From Valeriana to Aurelia: A Name Change Read More »

52 Ancestors – #7 Benito Orozco (1843-1923)

My third great grandfather Benito Orozco also lived his life in Yabucoa, Puerto Rico (like my 2nd great grandfather), though his marriage record points to him being born in Las Piedras, Puerto Rico – a town just to the north of Yabucoa. Las Piedras, Puerto Rico [Wikipedia] Benito’s year of birth is unknown to me, …

52 Ancestors – #7 Benito Orozco (1843-1923) Read More »